Top tech tips for data centres on National Techies Day

Did you know it’s National Techies Day on October 3rd? Primarily a day to encourage young and ambitious minds to pursue a career in tech, we thought we’d use this opportunity to also share tips and advice for data centre managers and operators. Here are our top tips for safe, longer-lasting, cooler servers! 

1. Increase existing server performance

By adding CPUs (Central Processing Units) or memory, you can increase server performance without the high cost of a new server, and also increase its life span. 

2. Consider newer servers

It’s estimated that server performance erodes by 14% a year. This means that modern servers can bring many benefits, such as improved performance (when compared to an older, existing server), and improved capabilities. Investing in more powerful servers is a good idea as fewer, more powerful systems can also reduce maintenance and cooling costs. 

3. Prevent accidental damage or theft of your servers

Arranging your servers in server racks can help avoid accidental damage and will ensure a tidy arrangement of servers. However, implementing an additional level of security, such as investing in a high-security server safe, will also enable you to protect your servers from theft. Cross-Guard also provides a range of server security cages from modular Connexions security cages to Extendor certified server cages.

4. Choose the right server cooling system

Excess heat can reduce server life, so ensure you use a cooling system that switches over to backup power if there is risk of power outage. Aisle containment systems help reduce hot spots and increase server life, while also delivering proven return on investment.

5. Take care in arranging server wiring

By arranging wiring neatly, you can improve performance and airflow around servers. It will also make your life much easier when it comes to figuring out which wires connect to which server!

6. Reduce IT load by consolidating IT servers

Reduce your IT load and remove unused servers, while consolidating those which are lightly used. This will help you reduce energy consumption of servers even further while saving costs.

7. Identify savings for your data centre and put an action plan in place

Finally, have a walk through your data centre and identify opportunities to save money and energy. Enquire about different cooling solutions and ask us about aisle containment to see how this might benefit you.


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