Fighting for a good cause

Curtis and the team get together for a group photo

Our senior design engineer Curtis will be supporting the fight against cancer as he enters his first MMA competition in Scunthorpe to help raise funds for Cancer Research UK.

On 13th April 2019, Curtis will compete against one other individual as part of an introduction to cage fighting. His colleague Ashley attends the same sessions and is helping Curtis train for the event.

Curtis said: “I wanted to use my time and energy to do something good. The charity has a special place with me and, although I haven’t personally been affected by cancer, I have people close to me who have had their own battles.

“MMA was something completely new to me and pushes me out of my comfort zone. The benefits in terms of fitness are massive and my health has improved significantly since starting my training.”

After lots of hard work and practice, we’re sure Curtis will be well prepared on the day! The team at Cross-Guard wish him the best of luck in his first competition for such a great cause. If you’d like to donate, please visit Curtis’s Just Giving page.


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