Sparking a new partnership with Flextraction
Cross-Guard volunteers to test new state-of-the-art welding bays, leading the way with innovation. The team met with Ryan and Wally from Flextraction to discuss implementation of the bays, which will reduce harmful levels of pollution and enhance the flow of clean air within the working environment.
Operating across the globe, Flextraction have specialised in the extraction and containment of dust and fumes and have successfully implemented solutions within bakeries to reduce levels of pollutants. Employing the same principles used within bakeries, the team at Flextraction will trial an extraction solution for welding fumes within Cross-Guard’s premises.
Cross-Guard will create the panels for the welding bays with Flextraction supplying the extraction arms and downflow booth. The downflow booth generates a clean flow of air via a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter which supresses fumes away from the operator with a 99.95% efficiency.
Jamie Mathews, Production Director, said: “It was great to meet with Ryan and Wally and we look forward to developing a solution that will further benefit not only our employees, but also the environment.
“The installation of the new welding bays forms part of a larger improvement plan. We’re expanding the offices and the factory to accommodate the requirements of our customers and the growth of our company.
“It’s an exciting time for Cross-Guard, and we look forward to sharing further developments over the upcoming months.”
New regulations have come into place by the HSE in February 2019 that re-classify welding fumes as a human carcinogen. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining a clean environment even when masks are worn, which is why the new welding bays developed by Flextraction will be extremely valuable to other companies who wish to invest in the best for their employees’ safety and wellbeing.
Jamie and Daniel Skipworth, Maintenance Manager, will visit Flextraction’s offices at the end of March to see a working prototype of the extraction technology for the welding bays.