Living the brand with our new uniforms
As Cross-Guard continues to expand and develop a strong brand presence, we’ve been reviewing new uniform options for consistency and visibility. The existing uniforms included grey jumpers, whereas the new jumpers will be Sapphire Blue jumpers, increasing visibility from a health and safety perspective.
The factory team were the first to receive their new uniforms, alongside office puppy Ralph. Not wanting to push his nose out, we created Ralph a Cross-Guard bandana. Our factory team are pictured below with Ralph, all proudly displaying the new Cross-Guard uniform.

As you’ll see from the picture, our Production Director Jamie is also modelling the new Cross-Guard fleece. We decided to choose black as opposed to the original grey colour as we feel it looks smarter. The Cross-Guard logo has been adapted slightly to ensure it contrasts nicely with the fabric colours.
We’ll be gradually rolling out the new uniform to the rest of our team so we can all continue to live the brand!