Making sustainable data centres a reality
Are carbon-neutral data centres a possibility?
Surprisingly, it is.
It’s going to take a 3-Scope approach as laid out by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Too much emission requires data centre operators to create sustainable ecosystems a process that can be broken into 4 steps:
Step 1: Identify the volume of your supply chain’s carbon emissions.
Step 2: Develop decarbonisation programmes and set targets in line with the data generated in Step 1.
Step 3: Engage with partners who support these sustainability initiatives.
Step 4: Collaborate with your partners towards achieving sustainable goals by first identifying their baseline carbon footprint and then developing strategies together.
As a data centre operator, you have the power to support your suppliers in adopting renewable energy measures. Together, we can create a greener future and it starts with turning carbon-neutral data centres into a reality.
Should you need any assistance or have feedback please do not hesitate to contact our helpful sales team at +44 (0) 20 8616 9412 or email
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