Security grilles and other devices & tips for home security (domestic security)

Need help securing your home? With theft on the rise, even down to dogs being stolen from houses, it’s important to make sure your home security measures are in place and up to date. This video gives you some top tips for domestic security and how to prevent and deter thieves from gaining access to your home. The full blog link on domestic security tips can be found here, alongside our handy home burglary prevention infographic:

Modern home owners realise that it’s important to combine more than one security device to tackle the job. Some security devices help detection of thieves and prevention ie. CCTV, while others provide physical security barriers to stop intruders ie. security doors. Cross-Guard offers a solution that achieves both these objectives: security grilles. Security grilles, when installed in your home or business, are a visual deterrent to thieves, as the extra security means it will be harder to break in and will take more time. Burglars are mostly opportunists, and like easy access and escape with high-value reward. In addition, security grilles are a robust, strong security barrier, protecting doors, windows, and other access points in your home.

Our security grille range is tailored to suit. We offer affordable security grille options for home security, or even rated security grilles for the more security-conscious buyer. If you’d like to know more, visit our security grille page for domestic properties:


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